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Monday, 29 September 2014

Blood physiology

 Lecture Sheet

(RBC, WBC, Platelets & Plasma)


What is Blood? Give its composition properties and function.

Blood: Blood is specialized fluid connective tissue in which there is liquid intercellular substance (plasma) and formed elements (RBC, WBC and  Platelets) suspended in the plasma which cir culates in closed system of blood vessels. It is red thick and slightly alkaline.

* Composition Of Blood:

A.    Cellular Substances – 45% (42% - 45%)
1.      Erythrocytes or RBC
2.      Leukocytes or WBC
3.      Thrombocytes or Platelets
B.     Plasma – 55% (55% - 58%)
1.      Liquid  (91%-92%)
2.      Solids   (8%-9%)

                                                                                     I.      Organic Substance : 7.5%
a)     Protein : Serm albumin, Serm Globulin. Fibrinogen, Prothombin ete.
b)     Non- Protein : Urea, Uric-acid, xanthine, Hypoxanthine, creatine, creatine ammonie, amino acids etc.
c)     Fats: Neutral fat, phosphalipid, Choles-terol, cholesterides etc.
d)     Carbohydrates: Glucose, Sucrose etc.
e)     Other Substance: Antibodies and other various Enzymes.

      II. Inorganic substance: - Sodium, calcium, Potassium, Iron.
* Properties of Blood:
            1. Blood Volume-     5-6 Liters.
            2. Normal reaction-  Slightly alkaline.
            3. Viscosity -                         4.5 time more viscous then water.
            4. PH -                         7.36 – 7.45
            5. Test -                      Salty.
            6. Color -                   Red.

* Functions of Blood:

1. It transports respiratory gasses and nutrient, (RBC)
2. It acts as vehicle Hormones, enzymes vitamins and other chemicals etc.
3. It regulates body temperature.
4. It regulates water and electrolytes balance.
5. Maintains acid base balance (RBC)

 Plasma Protein

Definition:  The protein remain in plasma is know as plasma protein.

* Type of Plasma Protein:
a) Albumin.
            b) Globulin – a1 globulin, a2 globulin, b globulin, g globulin.
            c) Fibrinogen
d) Prothombin
Others are:-
·        Angiotensinogen
·        Transferrin
·        Cerulo- Plasmin
·        Immunoglobulin – IgA, IgD, IgE IgG, IgM,
·        Iso haemaglutinin
·        Thromboplastin.

* Function of Plasma Protein :

1.      They Maintain colloidal osmotic pressure.
2.      They are essential for the coagulation of Blood
3.      They Maintain Acid Base Balance.
4.      They Maintain Viscosity of Blood.
5.      They help in carriage of Co2 by forming carbo-amino protein.


Fig: RBC
Definition: Erythrocyts is called RBC. Its carry Hemoglobin.

* Composition of RBC:
1.      Water – 65%
2.       Solid – 35%
a)     Hemoglobin – 33%
b)     Others – 2% ( Protein, Phosho lipid, cholesteral, ester and neutral fat etc.)
* Morphology of RBC:
1.      Shape and Size Bi-Concave.

* Normal count of RBC:
1.      Adult Male:         4.5 - 5.5 Million / Cu mm of Blood.
2.      Adult Female:     4.0 - 5.0 Million / Cu mm of Blood.
3.      Infant:                  6.0 - 7.0 Million / Cu mm of Blood.

* Function of RBC:
1.      It transports respiratory gasses and nutrient, (RBC)
2.      Maintains acid base balance (RBC)
3.      They Maintain Viscosity of Blood
4.      It contain antigen.

* Factors of Erythropoiesis : (Process production of RBC)

1.      General factor:
a.      Diet:
b.      Hypoxia
c.      Erythropoiein
d.      Endocrine Hormone
                                                                    i.      Thyroid Hormone: Thyroxin
                                                                 ii.      Pituitary Hormone: Adreniocorticotropic Hormone( ACTH)

2.      Hemoglobinization factor:
                                                                          i.      Iron
                                                                       ii.      Copper & Mg.
                                                                     iii.      Cobalt (Co)
                                                                     iv.      Ca
                                                                        v.      Bile- Salts

3.      Maturation factor of Hemoglobin:
                        i. Vit-B12
                                    ii. Folic acid
                                    iii. Intrinsic factor of Castle.


Definition: The Leukocytes, also called white blood cell. It is one type of cell, which found in blood.
Fig: Cells of WBC

Normal Volume of WBC: 4000- 11000 /Cu mm of Blood.

Type of WBC:  2 types
            a) Granulocytes: Having Granules in cytoplasm is called Granulocytes
i.        Neutrophils
ii.     Eosinophils
iii.   Basophils

            b) Agranulocytes : Having no granules in cytoplasm is called agranulocytes
i.        Lymphocytes
ii.     Monocytes

Different Count of WBC:
i.                    Neutrophils         50 - 70%
ii.                 Eosinophils         01 - 04%
iii.               Basophils             0   -  0.4%
iv.               Lymphocytes      20 - 40%
v.                  Monocytes          02 - 08%

Md. Jakir Hossain
Mob: 01674-555844

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